Shakira i Sydafrika

Shakira befinner sig nu i Sydafrika, och det verkar som om hon har haft några fartfyllda dagar. Hon har till och med hunnit bli attackerad av ett sjölejon! Som tur var gick allting bra och Shak kom undan med en liten skråma på handen. Detta lades ut på hennes Facebook, av Shaki själv:

This afternoon I happened to see some sea lions and seals. I thought to myself how cute they were so I decided to get a bit closer than all of the other tourists and went down to a rock trying to pet them doing a baby talk while taking pictures... Suddenly, one of them jumped out of the water so fast and impetuously that it got about one foot away from me, looked me in the eye, roared in fury and tried to bite me. Everyone there screamed, including me. I was paralyzed by fear and couldn't move, I just kept eye contact with it while my brother "Super Tony" jumped over me and literally saved my life, taking me away from the beast. We both got our hands and legs scratched by the rocks while trying to protect ourselves. I believe what happened is that it confused the shiny reflection of the blackberry I was taking these pics with, with some sort of fish. It probably thought I was teasing it with food and then taking it away from it. Wow! It's funny that only half an hour before I was complaining to my guide Andrew that I never get to see wild animals up close on adventurous trips. Oh well, I can't say that anymore!! Now I'm off to see some penguins! I hope they are a bit more friendly!


Hon har sedan detta twittrat flera bilder:

Today with the penguins! Definitely friendlier!! Hoy con los pengüinos! Definitivamente más amigables! Shak

Once the penguins are a couple they are a match for life. Shak

A baboon on our car! The animal kingdom is revolutionized today! Un babuino en el carro. El mundo animal, revolucionado

"The human eye can encompass the beauty of the universe"  Leonardo Davinci

"El ojo humano puede abarcar la belleza del universo" Leonardo Davinci

Aquí se unen el Océano Atlántico y el Océano Índico, el punto mas austral de África. Shak

Porque esto es África. Shak

Fint att hon börjar använda sin Twitter mer och mer för att skriva personliga meddelanden, tycker jag! Shak blev även fotograferad på stranden i Kapstaden igår, se bilder nedan:


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